Average Sqft/Hide: 40-45 sqft
Weight: 1.2mm
Average Thickness: 3-4 oz
Price per Square Foot is $3.90
Total Price is based on 42 sqft
Edinburg is a aniline dyed finished full grain American hide with a soft supple hand. Produced in over 20 different fashionable colors, the Edinburg is easily our most versatile leather and the perfect article for family applications. The color is sprayed evenly across the surface to provide a consistent color and highest yield possible. With the surface finish designed for family applications, the long term care is simple and easy. To care, just apply a small amount of soap and water cleanup and wipe dry.
The average size per whole hide is 42 sq ft. Sizes may vary between styles. Prices and quantities are based on the average size of 42 sq ft.
Average thickness ranges from 3-4oz.
Important Note:
The leather may contain natural characteristics like holes and visible marks.
Colors may vary from image.
Sizes may also vary from each style. -
Shipping & Returns
We will accept Returns and Exchanges within 30 days of the purchase date so long as the leather good is in its original condition. Please see our Return & Exchange policy for more information.